How To Eliminate Puppy Digging In Your Back Yard

There are two schools of thought on how to eliminate puppy digging in your back yard:

The Digging-est Dog
Image credit: Openverse

1. That a dog is a dog and he’s going to dig, and he should be allowed to express his true doggy nature whenever and wherever he wants.

2. That a flowerbed is reserved for flowers, and if that dog even sets foot in it he’s in big trouble.

My feeling is really both. While it is a dog’s nature to dig and you want to let them be a dog as much as possible, I think you can have both a beautiful yard and a happy dog. This involves you being ready to train him so that this can happen.

If you’re reading this article, you’ve probably already got a dog digging problem and it’s too late for you to find out that certain dogs like Huskies, Malamutes, and Terriers are notorious diggers. If by chance you’re just doing some research and are about to head off to the shelter to see who’s available, you may want to keep these breeds in the back of your mind as possible candidates for dog digging problems.

brown short coated dog on green grass during daytime
Image credit: Lawrence Chismorie

First off, some explanations on why dogs dig.

1. They are not getting enough exercise. Digging provides an release to their pent up energy.

2. Being bored. For dogs who don’t have enough to do, they find digging is just the ticket.

3. I gotta get outta here! Some dogs just want to see the world, and the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. These guys are nearly impossible to confine, no matter how much exercise and attention they get.

Dogs playing
Image credit: DCJ

So how do you stop this dog digging behavior?

Obviously, you can get busy with dogs, getting them out and about. Or give him something constructive to do if he’s bored, like a toy to play with. Better still combine the two, and play fetch.

Deter them with their own poop. Yep, dogs do not like to dig where they poop. So move their poop to the area where they are prone to dig. Even if they occasionally eat their own poop, they won’t dig there.

You’ve tried everything and he just won’t stop digging – now what? It probably makes sense that he needs to dig. Your job is to find a spot that you can live with and start training him to use that place only. The size of your place doesn’t limit this from working.


  • Vector image of black dog

    The guest author is a passionate dog lover and enthusiast with years of experience in canine care and training. With a deep understanding of dog behavior and a commitment to promoting responsible pet ownership, the author shares insightful tips and engaging stories to enrich the lives of both dogs and their owners. The views and opinions expressed in articles written by guest authors on our website are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of our platform.

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