Why You Need to Know About Kneecap Disease on Dogs
What Are The Common Causes of Dog Allergies?
Most of us do not pay much attention when our dogs scratches it ears or belly as we think that it is just relieving an itch, just like how we do. If your dog is…
Are Dog Droppings For Eating Or Rolling In?
Most Dogs will Eat Droppings Almost without exception when a dog eats his own waste matter or indeed that of another animal, the owner is appalled and revolted, thinking perhaps that he has a perverted…
Canine Influenza: How to Keep Your Dog Healthy During Flu Season
The Flu and the Swine Flu have been the hot topic during the last few months. Dogs are not exempt from catching the flu. Canine Influenza is an H3N8 and H3N2 influenza virus that has…
Is Glucosamine the Best Supplement For Arthritis in Dogs?
It’s not exactly known how many dogs have arthritis, but the figure could be as high as 20%. With 63 million domestic dogs in the U.S., it is is estimated by veterinarians that up to…
Canine ADHD: Calm Their Mind With These 4 Steps
I would be on drugs. There would be no doubt about it. If I was in high school today some guidance counselor would have suggested and strongly recommended that I be put on some type…