Dr Matthew Homfray

Dr Matthew Homfray

Dr Matthew Homfray is a veterinary pet expert with years of professional experience in helping owners with dog health issues.

How To Treat Canine Hotspots

brown dog with plastic on his head

Hot Spots (also known as Acute Moist Dermatitis or Moist Eczema), can seemingly appear spontaneously anywhere on a dog’s body and the area involved can rapidly spread. This raw, unsightly skin disorder has a variety of causes but the most…

What If You Find A Lump On Your Dog

dog laying on area rug

Skin lumps are very common in dogs. There are a whole range of possible scenarios that can present as a lump on the skin, including, insect bites and stings, abscesses, hematomas, cysts, soft tissue swelling following trauma and benign or…

Does Your Dog Leak Urine?

please don't your dog

Urinary incontinence is a common disorder in older female dogs, as many as 20% of neutered bitches develop it at some point in their lives. The reason is usually urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence (USMI). It can happen to any breed,…

Epilepsy In Cats and Dogs

a dog and a cat laying in the grass

Epilepsy is a non progressive brain disorder that induces recurrent seizures. It is very important to understand that there are numerous disorders that can cause seizures, and in order to make a diagnosis of true epilepsy, many of these other…