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Why Do Dogs Roll in Poop?

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Even though it is a normal canine behavior, seeing a dog rolling in the grass can trigger alarm bells for owners whose dogs regularly roll in poop and dead things. Credit: Purple Collar Pet Photography | Getty Images Most pet…

Liver Cancer in Dogs

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With liver cancer, the question of euthanasia will be raised. It’s a decision that requires you to “listen” to your dog. Credit: Artur Debat | Getty Images Primary liver, or hepatic, cancer is rare in dogs. Most commonly, a dog…

Sorting Through My Books

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Here are 96 pounds worth of essential reference books, headed to WDJ’s new editor. Here’s a sign of changing times: I am working to reduce the amount of stuff in my office, and my bookshelves are my current target. For…

Assessing Frailty in Dogs

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Draco, just a few days before he kept his appointment at the Rainbow Bridge. Credit: Cindy Foley If we’re lucky, our dogs live a long, healthy life and, when their bodies wear out, they close their eyes and make that…