Canine Pregnancy Guide

brown short coated dog running on beach during daytime

In many ways canine pregnancy is not that different from human pregnancy, although it is somewhat shorter, averaging sixty-three days. A dog’s diet, as well as their consumption of medicine needs to be monitored during pregnancy, just like a woman’s…

How To Correct Dog Gas & Digestive Problems

person holding brown wooden stick with white and black short coated dog

Dogs don’t necessarily get everything they need from their diet alond. If a dog’s not receiving adequate nutrition, he can have a variety of health problems, including loss of energy, flatulence, skin difficulties, and other problems. In addition, your dog’s…

How To Manage Dog Bite Safety

a group of dogs running around a park

Keeping a dog as a pet has been shown to benefit physical and mental health in both adults and children. They can be wonderful companions and the interactions experienced by growing up with a dog can offer many positives to…

Four Rules Of Dog Feeding

white and red plastic container

Every dog is different and finding exactly what works for your dog is key to a healthy lifestyle for your pet. Rule 1 A dog should be fed by the same person at every feeding. This rule is not nearly…